News News Highlights Community Based Organisation MENCERTC now an official MiBank agent providing banking services to rural communities in Simbu

Community Based Organisation MENCERTC now an official MiBank agent providing banking services to rural communities in Simbu

News Highlights March 7, 2022

Community Based Organisation, MENCERTC was recognized as a banking agent for MiBank during the official launching on 3 March in the Mauberema community, Sinesine Yongomulg District, Simbu Province. This was made possible with the support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun Program. Representatives from USAID PNG Lukautim Graun Program, MiBank, Digicel, Simbu Provincial Administration, MENCERTC and people from surrounding communities along the Bismark Forest Corridor gathered to witness the official launching.


Through support from USAID Lukautim Graun Program, MENCERTC staff where trained by MiBank officers on the requirements and procedures of operating a micro bank. This training enabled MENCERTC to begin providing banking services to people in rural communities who would otherwise not have access to banking.


Maria Dom, a local from Mauberema, expressed her gratitude that banking services were now available in her local community. “Mi hamamas stret lo bank kam insait long komuniti”. For Maria accessing banking services was previously difficult because of the long distance and cost of travelling to Kundiawa in addition to the paperwork required by most banks in setting up an account. “How bai ol ples meri na ol mama opim account taim mipla nogat licence, NID, ID card na passport? USAID wokim na bank I kam long ples door bilong mipla. Nau em isi long opim account na kisim bank card”. Now that Maria has a bank account that is easily accessible in her community, she does not need to spend ten Kina travelling back and forth from Kundiawa every time she wants to bank the modest amount of money she receives from selling her garden produce. She now believes her dream of saving enough money to fix her house and setting up a small trade store businesses to help her family is possible.


Many people in rural communities like Mauberema miss out on the economic benefits and opportunities that are available through banking such as saving money in a secure place to use in the future or access to credit to grow their small business. These benefits are difficult to access without a bank account.


Louis Kapa, MiBank, Esi Loan Manager, Mt Hagen Branch Western Highlands, and a local from the area said

“Having a bank account is the first step. I see opportunities in the future for people in my community to replicate what has been done in places like Mt Hagen where farmers can sell their produce to businesses who act as a central distribution hub and takes the produce to market. Enabling MENCERTC to act as a community bank provides them with the financial infrastructure to offer such a distribution service for local farmers. Farmers could bring their produce to Mauberema and sell to MENCERTC rather than travelling to Kundiawa. Having a bank account that is linked to their phones means payments can be made directly into farmers accounts.”


Following the official launch MENCERTC staff opened new accounts for 14 women and 3 men. Moses Kerry, Director of MENCERTC expects that more people in the surrounding communities will come forward in the weeks ahead to register for a bank account.


This is part of USAIDs ongoing support and commitment, through its PNG Lukautim Graun Program managed by Cardno International Development, to work in partnership with Government, Non-Government and Community Based Organisations and local communities to improve people’s livelihoods, strengthen biodiversity conservation, promote gender equity, and support women’s empowerment in Papua New Guinea.


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